Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Old and New MUsic Collection

One item that I had as a child that I wish I still had is my music box. The one I had was simple, yet was a treasure to me throughout the younger years of my life. It was small, made of wood, and had a tiny ballerina that rotated to music when it was opened. I have seen many a music box since that time, but none can compare to the one I had. Perhaps it’s special to me because this particular music box was a gift from my grandmother, and something like that can never be replaced.

Memories of my music box have come back to me recently when I took my daughter to see the Wiggles. They do a song called Music Box Dancer, and I can’t help but think that is the same music that was once played by my own music box. The song is beautiful, and I remember sitting mesmerized the first time I heard it. Perhaps the feeling is from another memory, but I don’t know. Whatever the case, the song Music Box Dancer reminds me of my treasured box, and I often wonder what become of it. I do know it is no longer around.

If you had a music box like mine when you were young, you may no longer have yours either. There are many places you can look, but if you want something just like the one you had, you should look on eBay first. There are so many different things on eBay; you never know when you may run across the very same music box you had when you were a child. You may find other items from your childhood as well.

You can also find a music box in an antique store. Many stores that sell antiques also sell vintage items from the sixties, seventies, and the eighties. While I was in one such store, I saw the same brush and mirror set my mother had presented to me when I was young. She had it from when she was a child, and she saved it for me. Sadly, I don’t have this set anymore either, and when I went back to get the one I had found, it was gone. So if you find your music box in a store like this, you should buy it right away. Chances are good that you are not the only one looking for that particular music box.